I wrote this post a year ago and it is so weird to think about how much the world has changed in the last 365 days. If there was ever a time to practice thoughtfulness, it is now. I hope you'll join me in this challenge. <

I think September is kind of a boring month. Haha. I think it is because summer is over and the back to school routine settles in. September in Florida tends to feel even hotter than the summer months. Other parts of the country are getting a taste of fall and we are m e l t i n g. Another reason I feel this way because I really enjoy the holidays. Starting October 1, I start prepping and decorating for Fall and Halloween. And then comes November when we do our Thanksgiving tree and then Christmas! I LOVE all the traditions that come along with the holidays and the only thing standing in the way is September... so I decided to start my own September tradition to help pass the time and keep me busy while I count down the days... Plus, I think this new tradition will be good for my soul and I'd love to invite you to join me.
Sidenote: because I feel like I have to say this. September may be Patrick's very favorite month of the year. Saturdays and Sundays are for football with friends. Mondays and Thursdays are also for football. And Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are great for chit chatting about football with your friends. Did I mention Fantasy Football Leagues? Additional Side Note: I do start bringing out some Fall decor around September 22. It is just so hard for me to decorate for Fall when it is 100 degrees outside.
So... for the Terrys September has officially become the month of Thoughtfulness. I have challenged myself and Patrick and Tripp to perform 10 Acts of (Pre-Meditated) Thoughtfulness.
When I made this announcement to my family, Tripp immediately saw it as a competition and began picking up toys in the living room (which I had already asked him to do) and then looked at me and said, "Got one done!" I totally appreciated the act of service, but I explained these need to be something you think about... something that would mean a lot to another person, because you know them and care about what they're going through. We will make a list of ideas and work on completing them throughout the month of September. I also explained that these tasks can be as simple as writing someone a note (or for Tripp, drawing someone a picture) or as elaborate as taking someone to dinner... or to the spa... or to DISNEY! No limits!
A couple of weeks ago, a dear friend of mine dropped off the cutest book with a handwritten note on the inside (is there anything more thoughtful than a handwritten note in a beloved book?). It was the sweetest random gesture and meant the world to me. It reminded me that the simplest things and on the simplest of days can become an unforgettable and precious memory.
I'm really looking forward to using our month to be intentionally thoughtful. When you challenge yourself to carry out a mission like this, your brain gets really creative with ways you can meet your goal. And the best part is, it is all about others. As Im writing this, my best friend is sitting at Wolfson's Children's Hospital with Chet, her 1 year old son. She had to spend the night last night and has to spend the night again tonight. Because this challenge is fresh on my brain, I immediately thought of a few things I can do for her to showing her I am thinking of her. And not kidding, while I am sitting here, another friend texted a group of us and asked if we could take Danielle a meal when she gets home. Within minutes, we had an entire menu and plan to deliver dinner to her! I promise, this act of thoughtfulness will not be lost on Danielle. Because people don't forget thoughtfulness.
I also want to point out that my brain doesn't always work like this. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but being thoughtful doesn't always come natural to me. Not because I don't value relationships, but because I can be really consumed with what is going on in my own life and leave no room to think about what others are facing. Truth is, when you start training your brain to think in this fashion, you won't run out of ideas or opportunities to be thoughtful!
Do you know someone who is struggling right now or someone who has asked for prayer? Do you know someone who has seemed a little off lately - maybe they’re quieter than they normally are or they’re stressed? What about someone who you just appreciate... like your kid’s teachers or the person who highlights your hair 🙌?
Will you join me in showering others with thoughtfulness this September?
Here are just a few ideas:
(I hope you'll comment with other ideas that you have, we could all use the inspiration)! 1. $5 Starbucks cards to your kid’s teachers... because they’re exhausted! 2. Handwritten note to someone who needs a pick me up 3. Drop off a book that you’ve finished to someone you think would like it (include a note about why this book made you think of them) 4. Ask someone to coffee or lunch 5. Drop off your favorite beauty product “just because” to your bestie 6. Take a meal to someone who has experienced a life change (new job, new move, new baby) 7. Take or send your mama some flowers 8. Ask a neighbor to go on a walk with you so you can catch up 9. Take the crossing guard muffins in the morning 10. Invite a friend or family over for dinner 11. Send a kind text to your husband (EVERYDAY)! 12. Drop a plant off to one of your girlfriends and include a note reminding them of a funny memory you share. 13. Send a new pair of earrings to your friend who doesn't live near you (how fun is it to get a package that you weren't expecting?)
14. Take coffee to a work colleague (maybe even the one who gets on your nerves?)
15. Bring a bath bomb to your hair stylist (they're on their feet all day).
16. Leave a small toy in your child's seat or a milkshake in their cupholder when you're picking them up from school (Tripp loves this one!)
17. Leave a cold drink for your mail carrier or delivery man!
18. Send a scripture or cross bracelet (these make such sweet gifts!)
Your 10 Acts of Thoughtfulness could be 10 handwritten notes or 10 kind text messages. Or it could be a variety! You could spend a lot of money or no money at all.
If you decide to participate, snap a picture and hashtag #brightentheirday. It will be so fun to see how you practice thoughtfulness. I am sure you have great ideas!!
I can't wait to see how others are blessed through your thoughtfulness!